Hello, I am:

Beth I

Beth I
Beth I


Actor, Cool, Energetic, Kids, Lipsync, Narrative, Sensual, Upbeat

What languages do you work in as a voice talent?
Spanish and Catalan. I could also do short dubbing in non-native French and English.

What languages do you speak well enough to work in?
Spanish, Catalan, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.

Do you sing?

What types of voice overs do you do?
Advertising, corporate videos, documentaries and news,

How long have you been a voice artist?
15 years.

Have you done any work as a voice actor that stands out or you consider your best work?
Worked with brands like Coca-Cola or dubbing the activist Malala Yousafzai in a documentary.

When did you realize you were good at doing voice overs?
When I was little and I was already interviewing my family and using a "voice over artist" voice.

Do you have a funny anecdote about a voice over job you’ve done?
having to do the voices of several girls and boys on the same project without it being noticeable or when I had to find the proper tone for a video for children about the Madrid Zoo.

What compliments do you get about your voice?
That I have a warm voice which transmits friendliness and sensuality.

Do you have a hobby or passion relevant to voice overs that you’d like to comment on?
When I'm not dubbing, I'm asking, as I'm also an audiovisual reporter. And when I don't talk, I create with my hands, I love pottery.

Showing promise as a voice artist since she was little, Beth has worked with big companies such as Coca-Cola.