Hello, I am:

Marc A

Marc A
Marc A


Actor, Amateur but cool, Cool, Energetic, Funny, Natural, Upbeat

What languages do you work in as a voice talent?
Spanish and Catalan.

What languages do you speak well enough to work in?
Spanish, Catalan and English.

Do you sing?

What types of voice overs do you do?

Have you ever done any acting in theatre or film?
Yes. I’ve done theatre, musical theatre and children’s theatre.

How long have you been a voice artist?
Over a year now.

Have you done any work as a voice actor that stands out or you consider your best work?
Ad campaigns for Skoda Kamiq 2020, Vueling and Colón.

When did you realize you were good at doing voice overs?
As a teenager. I was in a play and they needed someone to record a voice in off.

Do you have a funny anecdote about a voice over job you’ve done?
Once I was voicing an ad for a washing machine cleaner and the Catalan copy included the word “rentarentadores” which sounded awful so the client and I came up with “netejarentadores” which was much better.

What compliments do you get about your voice?
That I’m really good at imitating lots of different singers’ voices.

Do you have a hobby or passion relevant to voice overs that you’d like to comment on?
Having studied music allows me to easily adapt the rhythm and speed of my voice to get the perfect read. I also play the piano, guitar, ukulele and the harmonica.


Marc has voiced a number of ads. His musical training and expertise brings value to any recording.

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