What languages do you work in as a voice talent?
Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian.
What languages do you speak well enough to work in?
Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian.
Do you sing?
What types of voice overs do you do?
Dubbing and advertising.
Have you ever done any acting in theatre or film?
Yes. I’ve worked with Joan Fonts (Comediants), Toni Casares, Hermann Bonin, Jaume Melendres, Carme Sansa, A. Garcia Valdés, Mario Gas, J.l.Bozzo and J. Mª. Mestres among others. I also work in film and television.
If you’ve done work as a dubbing artist, have you ever dubbed anyone famous?
I’ve dubbed Alec Guinnes, Orson Wells and Allan Rickmann.
When did you realize you were good at doing voice overs?
I’ve always been interested in anything to do with the human voice.
Do you have a funny anecdote about a voice over job you’ve done?
This happened during one of the rehearsals for a production of Noah’s Ark by Britten and I played the part of the voice of God. On stage there was a group of children rehearsing and they had no idea that I was there up in the rafters of the theatre. So when I called out from above “Noha! Noha!” it scared the pants off them!
What compliments do you get about your voice?
That it’s very deep.
Do you have a hobby or passion relevant to voice overs that you’d like to comment on?
Theatre, music and poetry are my work and passion.
Enric is a professional voice over artist. With a lifetime as a working actor, Enric has voiced scripts for many satisfied clients.