Hello, I am:

Joe BT

Joe BT
Joe BT


Actor, Cartoon voices, Cool, Corporate, Lipsync, Narrative, Natural, Upbeat, Versatile, Warm

What languages do you work in as a voice talent?

What languages do you speak well enough to work in?
English and Spanish.

Do you sing?

What types of voice overs do you do?
Dubbing, advertising, narration and documentaries.

Have you ever done any acting in theatre or film?
I work professionally as an actor in film, television and theatre.

How long have you been a voice artist?
25 years.

When did you realize you were good at doing voice overs?
I once lived in Sweden where I had a friend who worked at MTV and they needed an English voice for a show sponsor. The rest is history.

What compliments do you get about your voice?
Someone told me that they could listen to my voice for hours. I told them that was a pity as I didn't have much to say at the time.

Do you have a hobby or passion relevant to voice overs that you’d like to comment on?
I love standup comedy and perform regularly on the Barcelona English Comedy circuit.


Joe is an accomplished voice talent who brings a lifetime of work in theatre, film and television into the sound booth.

SKU: joe-bt Category: